Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Hobbit

The Hobbit

Hello everyone. Today I'm going to write about the movie I saw yesterday, The Hobbit. Spoiler alert.

I really liked The Hobbit, except the fact that it is about a three hour movie. We started the movie at eight pm so we went to bed at eleven pm. We did this for Ashton's birthday. The Hobbit was about twelve dwarfs, one wizard, and one hobbit. The dwarfs once ruled the land. Until their kingdom fell and there was little survivors. Two generations later the twelve dwarfs and one wizard decided to get their kingdom back.

So they all went to the hobbits house. They had a huge party for a while then they got down to business. They asked the hobbit to join them but he refused. The next morning the hobbit woke up and decided he did want to go with them. So he signed a paper and ran to catch up with them. Once he did they got him a pony to ride with them they traveled for a while.

In their travels they ran into various monsters and trouble. They were in a rock storm and a pack of orks attacked them. I liked the adventures. I think it was a great movie. There was a scene with Gulum and the ring. The hobbit found the ring that made him invisible and escaped. Gulum was super creepy.

I really liked this movie and the storie behind it was amazing. Some of the scenes in the movie were gorgeous.

-Bye People

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