Sunday, July 27, 2014

Scary Movie Tips

So this was suggested by my Aunt Robyn. She said in the comments of my last blog that she wanted me to do my next blog on how to watch scary movies without going crazy.

So I would like to start off by saying a lot of the horror movies I watch scare me a lot. So the whole reason of a scary movie is to scare you. So one thing that helps me is know that's it's not based on a true story. If it's not based on a true story than it is probably almost completely fictional.

Ok so next is when you hear the scary music or if you know something bad is going to happen I look away. If you want to see what happened then just try and look for something that looks fake. So if it's blood just look for a difference in color or thickness. If it's like an alien of something look for something that looks to animated or fake.

If none of these work for you then I have no other tips. I just think of it as fake. It still scares me a lot. So out of all the horror movies I have watched the worst one are I think The Descent, Mama, and Final Destination.

So now I am going to tell you about watching The Blair Witch. My last blog post was about the Blair witch so if you want more detail on that go to my last blog. So the Blair witch is about three kids disappearing in the woods. Anyway it is extremely scary! After this movie my Dad asked my to run outside and but a Netflix DVD in the mailbox. I did not do that!

Recently I watched World War Z. That is a movie wear zombies take over the world and it's really scary! So after my parents went upstairs my older brother chases me around the house and I had to lock my door. In the morning when my dad came down to wake me up he couldn't get in because it was locked.

So I hope some of these tips help you!

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Monday, July 21, 2014

The Blair Witch Project

The Blair Witch Project

So today I am going to write about a horror movie I saw called The Blair Witch Project. SOILER ALERT!

So this is a horror movie about three kids. They heard about the Blair witch and they decide to make a film on it. They go into the woods and countless crazy things happen to them. They are attacked, they find weird things, they keep getting lost, and it's extremely scary.

The actors in this movie were not given scripts just basic outlines. They thought that the Blair witch was a real myth. (It is not) the crew did all those things just to scare the actors to make it seem more real. I think it was extremely cruel but kinda funny.

So I thought this movie was really good. It scarred me a lot because I thought it was real because they say in the begging that the three teenagers disappeared in the woods and they just now found the footage. My dad told me when the movie was over that it was not.

So I thought it was a really good movie. I kinda thought that since they were holding the cameras that it wasn't filmed the best but it's different and I kinda liked it.

-Bye People

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Movie Review: Dragon

Movie Review: Dragon

Hi guys so today I am going to write about the movie Dragon which is about Bruce Lee's life. SPOILER ALERT.

So this movie shows all the major events in his life. Bruce gets sent to America because there was a spirit passed down from his father to Bruce that would try to kill him if he stayed. So he rides by boat to America. He had a job washing dishes but got fired for getting into a fight. He got into another fight at the gym and the guys he beat wanted kung fu lessons from him. There was a girl that saw them practice and she wanted lessons.

They ended up falling in love. Her mother didn't want her to marry a Chinese guy and have mixed children so she ran away. They got married and had two kids they had an amazing kung fu gym and then the they got a call that said his father died. So Bruce went to China for the funeral and Bruce had to fight the spirit. He won so it didn't pass down to his son.

Bruce got a offer for a movie and took it. He was working way to much. He wasn't spending any time with his family so they wanted to move back to America. They were about to go back to America when Bruce fell in a coma and died. That was a really sad ending but he made a mark on the world.

So this movie was really sad at the end. I really liked it though. I liked the fights and how fast they were.

-Bye People

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Top Ten: Summer Activities

Hi guys! So today I am going to tell you all about my top ten summer activities. So basically what I like to do in the summer.

So number one is swimming. I love to swim! My favorite is the ocean, but I also like pools. Every year I take swimming lessons at a local pool and they teach you fancy kinds of swimming. Number two is volleyball. I play volleyball on a team at parks and rec. I play and it's really fun but it's better when you have someone to hit it back to you. For number three I chose friends. I like hanging out with my friends year around but especially in summer.

Number four is the movies. I like going to the movies year around but I like being in the cool theater watching a movie when it's hot outside. Number five is fire pitting. I like doing this in the evenings. We just sit around the fire and sometimes roast marshmallows. For number six I chose shopping. I love going to the mall on hot summer days (or any day really). Number seven is girly things. I like picking out clothes and painting my nails, doing my makeup, every thing I don't have time for before school in the winter.

Number eight is having barbecue's. It's really fun to go to a barbecue in the summer and be with your friends. Number nine is fireworks. It makes me sad that we only do fireworks once a year because I love them! They are really pretty and fun. Number ten is scrapbooking. I like to scrapbook a lot and we take lots of pictures especially in the summer.

So that's it! I. Really enjoy all of these things. They are really fun for a summer day.

-Bye People