Sunday, July 27, 2014

Scary Movie Tips

So this was suggested by my Aunt Robyn. She said in the comments of my last blog that she wanted me to do my next blog on how to watch scary movies without going crazy.

So I would like to start off by saying a lot of the horror movies I watch scare me a lot. So the whole reason of a scary movie is to scare you. So one thing that helps me is know that's it's not based on a true story. If it's not based on a true story than it is probably almost completely fictional.

Ok so next is when you hear the scary music or if you know something bad is going to happen I look away. If you want to see what happened then just try and look for something that looks fake. So if it's blood just look for a difference in color or thickness. If it's like an alien of something look for something that looks to animated or fake.

If none of these work for you then I have no other tips. I just think of it as fake. It still scares me a lot. So out of all the horror movies I have watched the worst one are I think The Descent, Mama, and Final Destination.

So now I am going to tell you about watching The Blair Witch. My last blog post was about the Blair witch so if you want more detail on that go to my last blog. So the Blair witch is about three kids disappearing in the woods. Anyway it is extremely scary! After this movie my Dad asked my to run outside and but a Netflix DVD in the mailbox. I did not do that!

Recently I watched World War Z. That is a movie wear zombies take over the world and it's really scary! So after my parents went upstairs my older brother chases me around the house and I had to lock my door. In the morning when my dad came down to wake me up he couldn't get in because it was locked.

So I hope some of these tips help you!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. hey! These are great tips! can you recommend a *moderately* scary movie for me to try them out on? Go easy on me, kid.

    :) Thanks so much, Katie!!!
