Sunday, September 23, 2012

Shake It Up

Hi! Today I will tell you about my favorite TV show called Shake It Up.

Shake It Up is a show about to girls named Cici and Rocky and Thayer dance on a show called Shake It Up. Shake it up is really funny and awesome. The thing I love most about Shake It Up is that I love the way that Cici and Rocky dress. Their outfits are so awesome.

The characters in Shake It Up are Cici, Rocky, Deuce, Ty, and Garry. My favorite character is Rocky, she never gives up and has great style. Today I got a new pair of boots and they are so awesome. They remind me of something that Rocky and I would where.

Shake It Up has great music. I have five of their songs. Their is usually a challenge in all of their episodes. One other thing that I like about it is that they don't win the challenge every time but is still makes them a better person.

That is my favorite show, Shake It Up.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Book review on Smile

Hi! Today I will tell you about a book I read called Smile.

Smile is a book about a girl who lost her front teeth and has all kind of teeth problems from there. She lost them because she was racing her friends and she tried to grab their shirts but missed and fell forward. They found her teeth and put them back in with a cast but she broke the bone above her teeth too so they went to far up.

So then she had to get braces. The braces did not work all the way so she had to get head gear. This book is every girls worst dream. It is a like a really big comic book because it has cartoon characters in it.

When Christmas comes she tells her parents that all she wants for Christmas is her two front teeth. For her 11th birthday she gets her ears pierced. This book is a pretty good book. I really don't want braces but I have to get them.

Smile is a good and scary book. I don't want headgear!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

One Direction

Hi! Today I will tell you about my favorite band called One Direction.

One Direction is my favorite boy band. There're 5 of them. Their names are Harry, Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayin. Every girl in school likes One Direction. My friend Sarah got me into One Direction.

Sarah has like 16 posters of One Direction all over her walls and ceiling. Every time I say One Direction at school the girls around me squeal. All of the One Direction members are British.

I only have one of their songs it is called What Makes You Beautiful. That is my favorite song. My second favorite is called Up All Night. They only have one album out but they will get a new one soon.

One Direction is awesome!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Book Review on Bliss

Hi! Today I am going to tell you about the book I am reading called Bliss.

Bliss is about a 12 year old girl named Rose. Her family owns a bakery. All the recipes are magical. When Rose's parents leave for a week they trust Rose to keep their family's secret recipes safe.

Rose is tempted to use her family magic and now she has made the town crazy! Will Rose be able to turn the town back to normal before her parents come back? What will happen of her brothers tattle tale? Will the town remember what happened to them?

The characters in this story are Ty, Sage, Aunt Lily, Purdy, Albert, Leigh, Devon and Rose. Ty and Sage are Rose's brothers. Aunt Lilly is their great aunt. Purdy and Albert are Rose's parents. Leigh is Rose's little sister and Devon is Rose's crush. I think the book is really good and exciting. I like it because the is a lot of parts that has you on the edge of your seat. There are also parts where I was glad it was over with.

This is a really good book. It has an exciting ending and is great if you like to bake.