Sunday, September 23, 2012

Shake It Up

Hi! Today I will tell you about my favorite TV show called Shake It Up.

Shake It Up is a show about to girls named Cici and Rocky and Thayer dance on a show called Shake It Up. Shake it up is really funny and awesome. The thing I love most about Shake It Up is that I love the way that Cici and Rocky dress. Their outfits are so awesome.

The characters in Shake It Up are Cici, Rocky, Deuce, Ty, and Garry. My favorite character is Rocky, she never gives up and has great style. Today I got a new pair of boots and they are so awesome. They remind me of something that Rocky and I would where.

Shake It Up has great music. I have five of their songs. Their is usually a challenge in all of their episodes. One other thing that I like about it is that they don't win the challenge every time but is still makes them a better person.

That is my favorite show, Shake It Up.


  1. Which music do you like better Katie, the Shake It Up music, or the songs from One Direction? It's a hard choice, but I think I like One Direction better.

  2. Love those boots, Katie!! Grandmama

  3. I'm with Mario. I actually find One Direction a pretty decent band.

