Sunday, August 28, 2011


Hi! This weekend I saw Tremors!!

Tremors is even a little bit scarier than Jaws!! I really really want to see it again! I like the part where the worm kills it's self by the hitting the pavement!

Uncle Matt's favorite line is when Val says "What the h*?! is going on?" But it scares me when he lifts up the hat and the head is under it! I also thought that when the boy came out and made a joke that it was still alive and it had got him.

I thought that was an bad joke to play!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back to school

Hi! I just started school recently. I love school especially this year because my teacher makes every thing we do fun.

One thing she makes fun is reading. In reading we take SRA test which I think is really fun and I mean really fun! Another thing she makes fun is math! Before every lesson she gives us a three minute addition review.

Mr. B my science, S.S. and Health teacher is really really funny. My teacher also makes reading fun because she gives us vocabulary words to put the meaning and definition in are vocabulary notebooks!

These are some of my back to school clothes. Some are from my mom and some are from grandparents.

I love my new teacher. (She is also my second cousin once removed).

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Hi! Today I went to a bike track!

It was really really fun and beautiful and it was the Western Maryland Rail Trail. It was really pretty and I even saw this huge garden on the side of the canal! There were benches and little tables that had info about the canal.

There were tons of trees and old houses! There was a big tunnel and sometimes we went over roads. We did ten miles in all! On the track we stopped and had a snack and every time we passed one of the mile marks I said like 3miles or 4 miles and like that!

Anyway it was a awesome way to start the morning!

I got my bike from my mom! And she had it when she was a little girl! My bike has a banana seat on it and it has big handles too. It is a lite blue and my mom and her brothers did all kinds of dangerous tricks on it when they were little.

Bike riding is a fun thing to do I think but to other people it's just getting exercise. When I bike it makes me think of happy memories that I have had other times in the past.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Silly Bandz

Hi! I collect silly bandz rubber bands that are shaped like stuff!

Silly Bands is my favorite think that I collect other than pezz! They are bracelets that are different shades and some are glow in the dark and some of them are mixed shades and others are just different shades.

I like silly bands they are stretchy and fun! It is also a good game if you put them in water and then you try to guess the shape that it is in your hand it is a good game for sleep overs and parties!

Silly Bandz are awesome!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone

Hi! I think that Harry potter and the Sorcerers Stone is a great movie!

It is one of my favorite movies I wish it never ends! I think that J. K. Rowling should make more books and write more movies. That would be awesome! My favorite part was when they got past the giant chess set!

My favorite people are Hermione and Ginny! But I don't like Malfoy or Snape! I can't decide whats better the movies or the books! What do you think is better the movies or the books?

I think Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone is a great movie! If you haven't seen it then you must be crazy!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Alien and Aliens

Hi! Some of you will be wondering why you are staring at the word Alien whats that you ask why ok I am going to do a movie review on the movie Alien!

Alien is a very very smart movie I would not let a kid younger than me watch it . Even though it is very awesome! My favorite part was when Ripley blew the Alien out into space! The scariest part was when the baby Alien popes out of the mans chest. The weirdest part was when I went to bed and got like two minutes to sleep.

But I did not have any bad dreams at all but it takes a long time to fall asleep. When ever my cats walk buy I think oh no Alien innovation and I hide under my sheets. P.S. My dad does not normally let me watch R rated movies.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Hi! When I was away at Grammy and gramps my family got a new cat named
Steppenwolf .

Steppenwolf is the cutest kitty on Earth. He follows me every where. At night he some times sleeps with me. He loves my hair a lot. He plays with a lot of stuff in my room. And he loves my hair a lot.

When ever Selena my other cat sits on top of a chair Steppenwolf sits under the chair and playes with her tail. It is so so cute! He also loves my doll house! He even climbs up the stairs to the third level!

I love my new little kitty! I love both of the kitty's sooo much.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Little House on the Prairie tv show review

Hi! I think that Little House on the Prairie is a great show.

We watch Little House on the Prairie almost every morning! There are a lot of seasons and episodes. We are on season one episode 113. I like Little House on the Prairie it is adventures and enjoyable. The last show was when Laura ran away from home. And my favorite part was when Pa found Laura!

I hope that it never ends for as long as I live. That is how much I love Little House on the Prairie. My mom loves it two. Ashton and Alex don't like it but me and mom do a lot. My mom likes that it has great morales, values and a solid story line. She's says that it shows that hard work and kindness towards others pays off.

Quotes from my brothers: I don't like this mom, I want to watch Mr. Bean instead, please mom it's my turn to pick a show, MOM please not this show, mom please can we watch something else. And all that is what my brothers say about Little House on the Prairie.

So if you like the kind of things we do then you should try watching Little House on the Prairie!