Thursday, August 4, 2011

Little House on the Prairie tv show review

Hi! I think that Little House on the Prairie is a great show.

We watch Little House on the Prairie almost every morning! There are a lot of seasons and episodes. We are on season one episode 113. I like Little House on the Prairie it is adventures and enjoyable. The last show was when Laura ran away from home. And my favorite part was when Pa found Laura!

I hope that it never ends for as long as I live. That is how much I love Little House on the Prairie. My mom loves it two. Ashton and Alex don't like it but me and mom do a lot. My mom likes that it has great morales, values and a solid story line. She's says that it shows that hard work and kindness towards others pays off.

Quotes from my brothers: I don't like this mom, I want to watch Mr. Bean instead, please mom it's my turn to pick a show, MOM please not this show, mom please can we watch something else. And all that is what my brothers say about Little House on the Prairie.

So if you like the kind of things we do then you should try watching Little House on the Prairie!


  1. I think "Little House On The Prairie" is a good show to watch if you are tired and you want to go to sleep, because they live on a prairie and it's nice and quiet. Shhhhh... time for sleep. Put that sleepy show on. AHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh... zzz... zzz... zzz...

  2. There was a time I wanted to be on a prairie but I found out there were no bathrooms, just out houses. I didn't like that. Keep watching your show.
    Uncle Matt
