Sunday, September 16, 2012

Book review on Smile

Hi! Today I will tell you about a book I read called Smile.

Smile is a book about a girl who lost her front teeth and has all kind of teeth problems from there. She lost them because she was racing her friends and she tried to grab their shirts but missed and fell forward. They found her teeth and put them back in with a cast but she broke the bone above her teeth too so they went to far up.

So then she had to get braces. The braces did not work all the way so she had to get head gear. This book is every girls worst dream. It is a like a really big comic book because it has cartoon characters in it.

When Christmas comes she tells her parents that all she wants for Christmas is her two front teeth. For her 11th birthday she gets her ears pierced. This book is a pretty good book. I really don't want braces but I have to get them.

Smile is a good and scary book. I don't want headgear!!


  1. You better get some headgear but then it will be to easy to tease u

  2. I can't remember if your dad had headgear, but Aunt Tara certainly did. It was awesome!!

  3. If you get headgear, you can link it up like an antenna to your iPad for faster internet service.
