Saturday, May 12, 2012

Brittany's Wedding

Hi! I am going to tell you about my cousin that just got married.

It was last Saturday at Culpepper Baptist Church. She was getting married to a boy named Jason. I can still remember when the brides maids came down the aisle and the ring boy with the flower girl. Last, Brittany came down the aisle. They read notes to each other too. After that we went to the reception. We had table 15. We sat with Grammy, Gramps, Uncle Chris, Uncle Jonathan, and Aunt Jessica.

After we got settled we had some fruit, cheese, crackers, and stuffed peppers. Then we sat down for a little while and put 50 piece puzzles together. Then we got some bread. After we ate that the bride and groom came with family and friends. Them we got served chicken tenders, fruit, and french fries for the kids.

After that there was crazy dancing. They played songs like YMCA. It was really fun. I danced with mom, dad, and gramps. Gramps was really partying. Everyone was watching him and clapping to the music. Mom and I did the twist together. After that they cut the cake. Only they had the cake though we had cupcakes.

This was an awesome wedding.


  1. It looked like a beautiful wedding and you looked gorgeous! I'm so glad you had a great time. The pictures you took were wonderful.

  2. My favorite line:
    "Gramps was really partying."

    :) I can totally picture it!!

  3. I remember my wedding... it was a blast! Make sure you wait awhile before you get married. You'll give your dad a heart attack.


  4. Which one did you like better, Brittany's wedding or watching "The Omen" movie? (Please answer Brittany's wedding...)
