Sunday, February 28, 2016

If I Stay Book Review

If I Stay Book Review

Hi guys! Today I'm going to write a book review on If I Stay by Gayle Forman. I got this book for Christmas and I started it between early and middle February. SPOILER ALERT!

This book starts out with a cute family of four on a snow day. The main character, Mia, is the oldest child and she has a little brother named Teddy. She also has a boyfriend in a band called Shooting Star named Adam. The snow is only about an inch of slush so they decide to go run a few errands. They are in the car on the high way and Mia has her eyes closed listening to music. All of a sudden there is a large crash when a truck ran into the side of their car. Mia seems unhurt on the side of the road so she walks to her car. The car is completely destroyed. She's walking over when she steps on something. She looks down and thinks it's a mushroom at first but when she looks around she realizes that it's pieces of her fathers brain. She also sees her mother who she can tell is dead as well. She can't find her little brother Teddy, but when she turns around she sees something odd. Laying on the side of the road is Mia's body she looks terribly beat up and her leg bone is sticking out of her skin. She realized she wasn't in her body and at first thinks she's dead.

Ambulances arrive at the scene and confirm her parents are dead. They come over to Mia and realize she has a very low pulse. They quickly get her hooked up to some things and took her in a helicopter to a big hospital. She went with her body but still never found Teddy. She was in the hospital for a day with her grandparents and other relatives, when her best friend Kim finds out what happened. Kim went to go tell Adam and they went to the hospital together. The nurses wouldn't let them in so they tried to break in. One of the nurses was best friends with Mia's parents. She got Adam and Kim into see Mia. Mia realized Teddy was dead and she wanted to die because she had no family. After Kim left the hospital bed Adam came in. Adam told Mia's unconscious body that he wanted her to stay more than anything. He also said that even if her real family is dead she still had unrelated family that would love her. In that moment of seeing her boyfriend cry by her bed Mia decided to stay. When she did she went back into her body. Suddenly she felt all the pain from the accident that she couldn't before when she wasn't in her body. Using all of the energy she had she squeezed Adams hand. The book ends with Adam looking up and saying "Mia?".

This book was extremely sad and not at all what I thought it was going to be like. I really liked it and I think it's my favorite book at the moment. I really want to read the second book called Where She Went. I think this is a great book for anyone who want a really good book that wouldn't take to much time to read. I would give this book an 9.8 out of 10.

I loved reading this book and I'm really looking forward to reading the second.

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