Monday morning when my alarm clock yelled at me around 5:30 is when I realized I'd be tired the rest of the year. I got ready and went to my bus stop. The first day of school was terrible but pretty much because it was so boring. We didn't do anything in classes. Tuesday was better but it's school so it will never be great. My favorite class right now is probably yearbook, it seems really fun. I'm on the sports section so I go to games and photograph them. I also get to choose what photos of the sports team go into the yearbook.
On Wednesday it was again pretty boring. I do think that I'll like most of my teachers. My french 3 teacher and my yearbook teacher I had last year so i already know I'll like them. All sophomores are required to take gym. My teacher seems pretty nice so I think it will be fun. On Thursday we actually started doing some real work. We mostly just took notes and did bellringers. In first period i have math. I really like my math teacher, I think she's really good at teaching the subject. Second period I have gym. The only thing I don't like about it is that it's so early. For third period I have biology. I think this class with be pretty fun because my teacher says we'll do a lot of labs.
Fourth period is French 3 and I like the teacher but i think the class will be pretty hard. Fifth period I have english. So far I like my teacher but I think she's just a little boring. My sixth period, US Studies, is pretty fun. I like my teacher a lot. For seventh period I have yearbook witch is really fun and a good way to end the day. On Friday we had a pep rally. It would have been a lot more fun if it wasn't so hot outside. It was around 92 degrees out.
So overall my first week of school was ok but not great. I'm glad to be back but at the same time I want summer to be longer.