Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pretty Pop Star Contest

Hi! Today I am going to do a blog on four pop stars. They are Jennifer Lopez, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, and Katy Perry. I want you to comment on my blog and tell me which pop star you think is the prettiest.

First I am going to talk about Jennifer Lopez. My favorite song of hers is On The Floor. She just got divorced from Mark Anthony and has two twins. Her twins are girl and boy. Jennifer Lopez has been a American Idol judge for two seasons. Jennifer Lopez has a new movie.

Now I am going to tell you about Selena Gomez. My favorite one of her songs is Summers not Hot. She is dating Justine Beiber. Selena Gomez is on one of my favorite shows called Wizards of Waverley Place. She is also on one of my favorite movies called Monte Carlo.

Now I am going to talk about Taylor Swift. My favorite song of hers is Love Story. I can play part of that song on my guitar. My favorite song of Katy Perry is Wide Awake. She has a new movie called Katy Perry's Pinwheels.

So please comment and vote on which pop star is the prettiest.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

This August

Hi! Today I will tell you about this August.

This August is very busy for me. On August 5th I am going to go to Sarah Linhart's house until August 8th. Today my oldest brother Ashton is going to Grammy and Gramp's house for week. Later in the month we are going to New York and visiting my Aunt Robyn when the rest of my family leaves I will stay for a week. My Mom and Dad are going to Uncle Mario's birthday party too. August 10th is the last day of summer camp. Then on August 20th School starts. I am a little scared that I could not get to classes on time, or that I will get lost trying to get to them. Last year my teacher let us practice lock combinations and I could never get it open.

Aunt Robyn is awesome! I hope that I will be able to bring my scrapbook supplies so that we can work on it together. Aunt Robin has a blog called Made in Brooklyn, it is really fun and interesting. My Aunt is also a great cook and photographer. My Aunt is all kinds of amazing things. She has two adorable kids named Andrew and Isaac. I am not sure what job Uncle Dave has.

I am scared and happy about school. I am happy because I get to hang out with my friends after a summer without them. The only friends from school in my neighborhood are Emily and Gissel and they are not home a lot. I don't know why but I love getting new school supplies.

August is a good month for me.

- Posted by Katie

Saturday, July 14, 2012

My Everyday Life

Hi! Today I will tell you about my everyday life in the summer.

During the week days I go to camp at 7:00. When I first get there Mom signs Alex and I in then Mom leaves camp and we have free time for an hour. Then when everybody is there we go outside for an hour and a half. Then the next half hour is a game of Quidditch. I am on Griffindor. My position is seeker witch is awesome! After that is lunch and then the pool. We stay at the pool for two hours and then go change at camp. Dad usually picks us up after that but if he is late then we stay for snack. I only like there snack sometimes it is not very good.

Now I will tell you about my weekend. Saturday (today) is chore day. It is also blog day that is what I am doing now. After I write my blog Daddy is dropping me off at Beth's house to help her watch Madeline at a pool party. Mom mostly works on the addition because we have to get it done by some time in September. On Sunday we do our chores and then relax. Sometime during the weekend we usually watch a horror movie but not all weekends.

Camp is pretty fun now that I have friends there. After camp when I get home I go straight to chores unless it is gym day. I do math, play games, and read at the gym. Once I am done chores then it is usually time for dinner. My Mom is a great cook!! During dinner we usually eat in front of the TV and watch a show, but sometimes we eat at the kitchen table. After that we have reading time and then bed.

So that is my everyday awesome life. I have great family and friends.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sarah Linhart's House

Hi! Today I will tell you about the four days I spent with Sarah, Susan, Steve, and of course Sophie (there dog).

Last weekend my family and I went to our friend's family pool. Alex, Ashton, Dad, Mom, and Steve stayed in the shallow end of the pool talking and playing.Sarah and I were in the deep end talking and playing. In the middle of the time we were there Susan came. We went back to Susan's house shortly after she came. For dinner that day we had pizza. The pizza was really good. We also watched Thor while we were eating. After Thor was over my family said goodby to me and left.

That night we slept on the living room floor. The next morning we had fruit and breakfast sandwiches. After that Susan took us out to a craft store and got leather bracelets that we could decorate. We each did six. After that Sarah had a doctors appointment. Then we had sushi lunch at Wegmans. After that we went to a jewlery store called Charming Charlie's. I got a necklace with a wire hart on it. Then we went to another doctors appointment. After that when we got home Steve took us to the library. Then he made us dinner.

The next day we had more fruit for breakfast. Then we played in her room until lunch. Then we had macaroni and cheese. After that we went back to Charming Charlie's and I got a bracelet after that we went to Pinkberries and I had strawberry frozen yogurt. After that we had salmon for dinner and went to bed. The next day Was the fourth of July and me and Sarah dressed up for it. When my parents came we had a barbecue and watched the fireworks.

Then we went home. I miss Sarah but I am glad that I am home with my family and other friends.