Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sarah Linhart's House

Hi! Today I will tell you about the four days I spent with Sarah, Susan, Steve, and of course Sophie (there dog).

Last weekend my family and I went to our friend's family pool. Alex, Ashton, Dad, Mom, and Steve stayed in the shallow end of the pool talking and playing.Sarah and I were in the deep end talking and playing. In the middle of the time we were there Susan came. We went back to Susan's house shortly after she came. For dinner that day we had pizza. The pizza was really good. We also watched Thor while we were eating. After Thor was over my family said goodby to me and left.

That night we slept on the living room floor. The next morning we had fruit and breakfast sandwiches. After that Susan took us out to a craft store and got leather bracelets that we could decorate. We each did six. After that Sarah had a doctors appointment. Then we had sushi lunch at Wegmans. After that we went to a jewlery store called Charming Charlie's. I got a necklace with a wire hart on it. Then we went to another doctors appointment. After that when we got home Steve took us to the library. Then he made us dinner.

The next day we had more fruit for breakfast. Then we played in her room until lunch. Then we had macaroni and cheese. After that we went back to Charming Charlie's and I got a bracelet after that we went to Pinkberries and I had strawberry frozen yogurt. After that we had salmon for dinner and went to bed. The next day Was the fourth of July and me and Sarah dressed up for it. When my parents came we had a barbecue and watched the fireworks.

Then we went home. I miss Sarah but I am glad that I am home with my family and other friends.


  1. Sounds so fun! I wish someone would take ME to a craft store! LUCKY! :)

  2. We miss you too, Ms. Katie! We can wait until you and your family come back to visit us in August, and are thrilled that you will be staying with us again for several days. I've already got some crafts planned for you. We're also going to see the $1 movie and will go to Sweet Frog afterwards. We went for the first time this week and it was A-MAZ-ING!

    Mr. Linhart can't wait to make salmon again!


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  4. my name is katelynn boothe you might now me katie :)
