Sunday, December 22, 2013

New Room

New Room

Today I am going to update you guys on my new room.

So recently my grandparents came up. They brought me a brown bed frame. My room theme is black and white so in the summer we are going to take it outside and stay paint it black. Then we went to Sleepy's to pick out a matrices. I love the matrices I got, thank you guys so much!!! The first half of it is memory foam so it's super squishy! They also got me, for last Christmas, bed appliances. I got a big black fluffy bed spread with zebra pillows and blanket. The matrices was a late birthday present.

My bad looks amazing. We just assembled it yesterday. The bed frame is old fashioned, so my bed is high up off he ground, I like it. Anyway then we did the closet. My mom got me a shoe rack. So I put all my shoes on it and put the rack in my closet. Then we had a three drawer container that hold pajama's and everything that can not be hanged. My mom got me all black hangers.

I've transferred most of my clothes. Then my mom put a white bookcase in my room. I put something's on it. I have pictures and nail polish and perfume, things like that. I also put my zebra bean bag chair in there. That's pretty much it so far.

I'm still in the process of moving my things but I'm getting there!

-Bye People


  1. It sounds so great!! I can't wait to sleep in it next time I visit you! ;)

  2. Katie,
    I'm so glad that you are so happy with your new room. I can't wait to see it!
    Grammy & Gramps
