I am going to write a paper about some hobbies I'm looking to getting into. Recently I've decided that I need to find something to entertain myself in my free time. So I researched about different ideas and had a list of about 10. I narrowed that 10 down to 4 different hobbies I'm interested in. These 4 hobbies are candle making, do it yourself (diy's), soap making, and YouTube.
So first I am going to start of with talking about diy's. Diy stands for do it yourself which is basically you making a craft, something useful or decorated. The materials you use can either be recycled or something you would buy at a craft store. So in the past I've tried a few diy's but they never really turned out well because I didn't have the proper materials to make them. I think some really cool diy's are like dying old clothes to make them something you would wear again, nail and yarn art, reusing items that would otherwise get thrown away, and taking something you don't really need and turning it into something fun. My favorite out of all those is nail and yarn art. That's were you have a piece of wool and you put nails in it in any shape you want. Then you take yarn and just start wrapping it around the nails in random places.

As for reusing items that would otherwise be thrown away get creative with it. For example there are many different things you can do with an empty soda bottle.

This is an example of dying old clothes that you wouldn't wear.

Lastly is taking something you don't really need and turning into something fun.

Next I am going to talk about soap making. I recently got a soap making kit that I'm really excited to use. It comes with the soap base, colors, scents, and a mold. To make soap you need a double boiler. You melt the ingredients together in that and then you poor it into the mold in the shape that you want it. I like that you can make different smells, colors, and designs with the soap. Here are some examples of cute homemade soaps.

I'm very excited to use my soap making kit and make some similar things.
Next on my list is candle making. I don't have the right things for candle making yet but I know that you need a double boiler to melt your ingredients in. Then you poor them into the container you want them in after you have glued the candle wick to the bottom of the jar. Again you can also do some really cute homemade candles.

Lastly I am going to talk about YouTube. This is probably the one that I'm most excited for. I have a friend named Ashley who wants to make a channel with me. We are going to film a video and then spend a while editing it so we can get the hang of editing. After we've edited the first video we will post it and make probably one a week. We decided that our channel name would be A&K. We are also going to make an Instagram called A&K where we post about our new videos and anything related to us and our channel. The kind of videos that we would post would be a mixture of vlogs (witch is a video blog), beauty videos, expectations vs reality videos, challenges, and a few other things. The YouTube idea is probably my favorite idea.
My mom and I were thinking about maybe starting an Etsy shop if we like diy's and soap and candle making.
So that concludes my blog. I really hope these ideas will work out for me and I hope starting a YouTube channel will be really fun.
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