Sunday, January 3, 2016

Star Wars The Force Awakens

Star Wars The Force Awakens

Hi guys! Today I am going to tell you all about the new Star Wars movie called Star Wars The Force Awakens. My family took us to go see it the day after Christmas. SPOILER ALERT.

Okay so it starts out with an old friend of Princess Leias giving Poe Dameron a piece of a Maputo to Luke Skywalker. Then the camp was invaded my storm troopers and Poe couldn't get away. He gave his android, BB8, the piece of the map and told him to take it to the resistance. Then the villain, or the new Darth Vader figure, Kylo captured and killed the friend of Leias. Then he took Poe with him to his ship to torture where the piece of the map was out of him. Kylo wants the map to kill Skywalker, the last Jedi. Once Kylo gets the information out of Poe, a storm trooper named Finn comes to rescue him. They steal a ship and crash on the planet that Poe had been taken from. Finn gets out and can't see if Poe is alive or not but it soon doesn't matter because the ground swallows the wreckage of the ship. Then he goes to the nearest town and sees BB8 with a girl. He tells then he's a resistance fighter and needs to get them safe. He did turned out to be a good guy. The girl introduced herself as Rey and she said she was a pilot. Then the storm troopers came and they ran to Rey's ship. They were running for the ship when it was fired at and destroyed. So they ran to the next closest ship. Rey thought of this ship as old trash.

When she got to safety in space they were then pulled in by someone. Then bored the ship and it turned out to be Han Solo and Chewbacca. They told Rey and Finn that the ship they had stolen was the Millennium Falcon. Fast forward a bit and Kylo sends storm troopers to a planet they stop at. They had also built a machine that use the energy from the sun and destroyed 5 planets at a time. Rey found Luke's light saber and didn't want it. Finn took it for her to use later. The storm troopers are killing everyone and captured Han Solo, Rey, and Finn when the resistance came to rescue them. Poe had survived and was piloting one of the ships. The storm troopers that had Solo and Finn were shot but Kylo had Rey. They took Rey and Kylo tried to use the force and look into her thoughts to see the missing piece of the map. Rey used the force to keep him out. She escaped the room she was trapped him and found Solo and Finn had come to rescue her.

They get out but Han Solo was killed by his and Leias son, Kylo. The resistance blew up the machine that destroyed planets. Rey and Finn were running through the woods when Kylo stopped them. He knocked out Finn and the Rey took Luke's light saber and fought Kylo. She won but didn't kill him. She got Finn and then they went back to the resistance base. Rey left the base in a ship and found Luke Skywalker with the completed map. The last scene of the movie is Rey holding Luke's light saber out to him.

This movie was probably my favorite Star Wars movie I've seen. The parts I didn't like were when Han Solo dies and that we only got to see Luke for the last 30 seconds of the movie. I'd rate this movie a 8.5 out of 10. I did really like that they had the original main character actors play Solo, Leia, and Luke.

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