Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Aunt Robyn

Hi! I am going to tell you about my Aunt Robyn and her family.

My Aunt Robin is very fun. She scrapbooks, she sews, and she is a really good cook. She has a blog called Made in Brooklyn. My Uncles name is Uncle Dave, and she has two fabulous sons named Andrew and Isaac.

My Aunt has made lots of Halloween costumes before and she is really good at it to. She made me a corps bride costume before and she has made others to. Her sons are really cute, playful, fun, exiting, and fabulous.

I think my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins are the best in the universe.

Check out my Aunts blog here:


  1. Awwwwwwwww!!!! You are such a sweetheart, Katie! Thanks for all the props! :)

  2. Hi Katie, I read your Aunt Robyn's blog already and think she's got a great family too. You really have written a beautiful post about their family, well done :)

  3. I read your aunt's blog and even if I don't know her personnally, I agree that she is pretty amazing!
    Your blog looks great also!

  4. I've been reading your Aunt's blog for a long time now and even though I've never met her (I live in England) I think that you have described her perfectly! I love reading her blog and it's so nice to read yours today too!

  5. I live in Wales and read Aunt Robyn's blog everyday. She certainly is a wonderful lady and she is lucky to have such a wonderful niece

  6. i like your blog. i read your aunt robyn's blog and i agree that she is pretty cool! i live in massachusetts and work at the college where your aunt robyn and uncle dave went to school.

  7. Hi Katie! I'm Marti. Your Aunt Robyn is one of my very best friends. I met her in college and even though we've almost always lived 3,000 miles apart (I live in California), we stay close by talking on the phone several times a week and writing to each other every single day! I feel like I know you a little bit because she often speaks glowingly of her nieces and nephews. She really loves you like crazy! It was fun to read your post about her and see that you love her like crazy, too. :) What a great blog post!

  8. Great blog post! Thanks for sharing.
