Sunday, February 26, 2012

Valentines Day

Hi! Today I am going to tell you about my valentines day party at school. So just sit back and relax and enjoy!

We had our Valentines Day party from 2:15-3:00pm. First we watched a Valentines Day Charlie Brown show. After that we had all of our snacks. We had food like brownies, juice, chips, and more. Then we opened our cards. Some of them gave stuff like lollipop's, other kinds of candy, and pencils.

My Valentines Day card were Angry Birds themed. I also gave out Angry Birds tattoo's and boxes of tattoo's. The boxes were peace for girls and sports for boy's. I put them all in a bag and took them to school. I passed them out the next morning.

Only half of my class did cards this year. Mostly only the girls. When I got home my mom and dad gave me candy and my dad gave me and my mom pretty flowers. Today I made cupcakes all by myself! Except for turning on the oven.

It was a good Valentines Day. I can't wait to write my next blog!


  1. I was really surprised to hear that only half of your class gave out valentines! Here's my question: WHAT'S WITH THAT?!? Man. I STILL give out valentines (well…most years). I just LOVE it.

    Andrew and Isaac were the only kids in each of their classes to give out Valentines. I thought it was a NYC thing (when I was a teacher I had to tell my students exactly what I was talking about…they hadn't really heard of it)…but now I wonder. Could awesome Valentines be a thing of the past?!

    Katie! We need to join together and start a PRO Valentine Movement! Valentines for everyone! Little cards are cute! Don't be a scrooge!

    (wait…did I just take over your blog? sorry about that…)


  2. Go Valentine's Day!

    Grammy & Gramps
