Saturday, April 21, 2012


Hi! Today I am going to tell you about me getting glasses. Boo.

When the eye doctor told me that I needed glasses I freaked out. I did not want glasses. Dad cheered me up a little by naming some people that look good in glasses. The next day mom took me to look at the glasses and I chose some that are brown with blue bubbles on it. A week and a half later dad took me to pick them up.

When I first put them on I felt like I was going to barf. I felt like that all day. Everything seemed sharper. The next day I went to school. Everything on the board seamed a lot less fuzzy. Mom saved me and said I did not have to wear them during specials, at recess, at lunch, and when I ride the bus.

Ms. Reed calls me cousin It from the Adams family. I pull my hair over my face and put my glasses on. Nobody really asked me about my glasses they just say stuff like wow you wear glasses. I guess glasses are all right because there not glued to your face or anything like that.

So they aren't to bad but don't get me wrong I still don't like glasses.


  1. KATIE! Those glasses are SERIOUS glam. There are very hip neighborhoods in New York where almost EVERYONE has these glasses! When I first saw a picture of you wearing these glasses first I thought: "holy smokes! She's GORGEOUS!" followed by "she'd fit right in in the hippest neighborhoods in New York!"

    For what it's worth: I think you look STUNNING. So, so beautiful, Katie.

  2. Katie,

    Gramps says he is sorry for passing down the genetics for having to wear glasses. But, Robin is right, you look GORGEOUS!


  3. You look nice with or without glasses Katie. Lots of people wear them so why worry? Now you can see better and that is way more important!

  4. Your Aunt Robyn said it all--you do look great!! Love, Grandmama and Granddaddy

  5. Madeleine says your glasses look better than mine. Congrats on being able to see well!
