Sunday, April 1, 2012

Strait A's

Hi! Today I will tell you about getting A's and a reward for it. That is what I will tell you today.

So I got three awards and I will tell you what they are for. The first one was Principals Honor Roll for getting strait A's. I also got a cup of candy with it. The second award was Perfect Attendance for not missing a day of school in those 9 weeks. The third and final award I got was the P.E. award for doing my best in P. E. For getting strait A's I got to pick a treat.

The treat I picked was a Monster High Doll. That night I got on the computer and searched and and showed daddy what I liked. There were three things I liked the best. I liked Cleo Dead Tired, Nefera Original, and Dragon and Werewolf starter pack. The one that I chose was the...DRAGON AND WEREWOLF STARTER PACK!! I chose it because it gave me more things to do with it. I just got it today!

When I finished all of my chores I got to open my package. The first one I built was the Werewolf. Her name is Clawdia Wolf. The other one I built was the dragon. Her name is Dragona Fire. My order came with free Monster High hair mascara. My dad is awesome and super cool!! I love Monster High!

That is all for today!! I love daddy and mommy!! I love Monster High!!


  1. Katie,

    Wow! Congratulations on your straight A's and your awards.

    Go Monster High Girls!

    Grammy & Gramps

  2. Granddaddy are proud of you!! Keep up the great work! Grandmama and Granddaddy.

  3. That's great! Do your Monster High girls get sraight A's as well?

