Sunday, July 21, 2013

Mama (Spoiler Alert)

Mama (Spoiler Alert)

Today I am going to tell you about a horror movie I watched called Mama. I will tell you about it then review it.

So Mama is about two little girls that got kidnapped by their father. We took them to an old house he found by crashing his car into the woods. Mama lived inside the house. Mama was waiting for a child to come to the house so she could take it.

So the father knew Mama was trying to take her girls so he decided to shoot them. Mama killed the father before he could save his girls. So for five years Mama took care of them. She gave them only cherries to eat. So for the five years their uncle spent all his money searching for the girls.

In five years they finally found them. They went to live with their uncle and his girlfriend. Mama followed the girls. While they were at the house Mama scared their uncle at the top of the stairs. He fell down them and had to go to the emergency room.

Annabel (his girlfriend) took care of the kids for a little while. there was a black spot in the girls closet that Mama used to get to the girls. In time Mama took them to a cliff. They were about to jump of but then Annabel gave Mama the dead remains of her kid and Mama was about to jump off with the remains.

Then the younger girl shouted for Mama and Mama left the remains and took both girls instead. Right before she jumped of Annabel grabbed the older girls robe strap and Mama just took the little one.

I loved this movie. Just to let you know Mama wasn't exactly a person she was kinda like a ghost but I don't know.

-Bye People

1 comment:

  1. Oh Katie--this is quite a movie. Since I am called "Mama" by some, I don't know what to say;) Could this movie be a take off on the children's story of Hansel and Gretel? Grandmama
