Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Percy Jackson Books

The Percy Jackson Books (Spoiler)

Hi guys, so today I am going to be writing about the book series I'm reading.

So the books are all about Percy Jackson, the half son of Poseidon. They call the kids who are half-god half bloods. So in each book Percy has a mission. In the first book his mission is to save his mother from the Underworld. In the end Percy fails to save his mother but Hades was forgiving and gave her back. So Percy goes on a dangerous trip throughout the book and brings his friends Annabeth and Grover. Annabeth is another half blood daughter of Athena and Grover is a satyr.

In the second book they go to save a tree that protects all the half bloods from the monsters. The tree was a gift from Zeus when his daughter Thalia died. So they go to get the Golden Fleece. In the third book Percy goes with the hunters to rescue Annabeth and Artemis, the goddess of hunt.

In the fourth book Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson go into the labyrinth to try and stop Kronos's army from getting into the camp. At the end of the book Kronos rises and the half bloods go into war with his army. At the end the book the half bloods won, but only delayed Kronos. Last, in book five (witch I just started reading) is about Kronos and his army going full out war against the gods of Olympus.

So I recommend these books a lot, I really love them and they are very interesting.

-Bye People

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