Sunday, April 20, 2014


Hi guys! Today I am going to be talking to you about eBay, but first have a great Easter!

So my dad eBays every week. He has a lot of old superhero things that he is slowly selling. What he does is he makes up five actions a week. Then he will take pictures of them to post on eBay. I am in charge of four things. Packing, weighing, measuring, and labeling in that order. He says the reason I do it instead of my brothers is my "attention to detail".

So first I pack the boxes. I have to wrap everything up individually and then put extra packing around it. I have to do this until when you shake it you can't hear anything moving inside. This takes a pretty long time. I also have to find boxes that fit the item. Then I put two green sticky notes on them.

Then I weigh them I write how much they way on one half of the sticky note. On the other half I write the measurements of the box. Lastly, on the other sticky note I write what is inside the box. One day I labeled the bat cave as the doll house and dad gave me a look. Then I hand them over to my dad. He puts all the information into the computer on eBay and when they sell he tapes them up and takes them to the post office.

So that's the eBay story.

-Bye People

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