Sunday, March 8, 2015



Hi guys lately I have been finding myself thinking about my future a lot. Not so much what I want to be but more what I want to do.

If I were to travel to two places in the world I would probably go to Paris and The Caribbean. I am currently taking a high school credit class in French. I really want to see the Eiffel Tower. I love being at the beach. I really want to live on a beach someplace warm year around. Somewhere like Florida or California. I would like to take a trip to The Caribbean though.

Next is my career. So my "dream job" would be a cosmetologist for movies and TV shows. My more realistic job would probably be a lawyer. Now I'm still thinking about what I want to be but I know that lawyers make a good amount of money and I think that I could do it. I'm also a little interested in photography.

I'm not quite sure where I am going to college. I'm thinking about going to West Virginia University. Another option for me would be for me to go to Shepard University. Those are both in state collages which is most likely what I will do. I was also interested in one called West Liberty. I'm definitely going to college but I will have to look more into where in high school.

So that is what I an thinking about right now but a lot can change before then.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie, Keep looking on the bright side and into the Future. There is always something around the corner and over the next hill.
