Sunday, October 4, 2015

Favorite Fall Foods

Favorite Fall Foods

Hi guys! Today I’m going to write about the foods that I like to eat in the fall.

So I’m starting out with some foods I like to eat for breakfast. We get probably everything in this blog from Orr’s Farmers Market and if we don’t then I’ll tell you. The first is apple butter. I like spreading apple butter on toast for breakfast. The next food is lemon honey or cinnamon honey. I like them both a lot but I prefer cinnamon. This tastes good on toast, sandwiches, and in tea. 

For just regular lunch and dinner foods I like pumpkin, apples, squash, and corn. Since I have braces I can’t really eat apples or corn on the cob. So I eat corn off the cob. I also made applesauce with my Grandmother. Pumpkin can be eaten in a lot of different ways. I also like different fall berries. Especially in pies. 

Now I’m going to talk about desserts. I have many favorite fall desserts. Apple cinder donuts, apple pies, and candy corn are among my favorites. Apple cider donuts or apple pie is probably my favorite. The last time we went to Orr’s we bought a really good dutch apple pie. It was basically a sugar covered apple pie and it was amazing. We also bought a six pack of really good apple cider donuts and a small bag of candy corn. I know you can have candy corn year around but it’s more popular in the fall. My brothers and I love candy corn. 

So those are my favorite fall foods!! Fall is probably my favorite food season. (Starbucks also comes out with their pumpkin spice lattes!!!) 

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