Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Conjuring

The Conjuring

Hi everybody, today I am going to write about a movie I recently saw called The Conjuring. I saw it on Friday night. Spoiler Alert!

The Conjuring is about a family of five daughters, and their mother and father. They move into a house in the country. At first everything is great. Except for their dog won't come in. They decide to leave it out for the night and they go to bed. the next morning when they woke up, the mother had a huge dark bruise on her leg. Then when she comes down stairs all the clocks in the house had stopped at 3:07. Her youngest daughter, April, went outside to look for the dog. She found the dog dead on the ground next to her house. The night before they found a room under the stair case. It had a bunch of dusty junk in it. Every time the wife woke up a nap or in the morning, she had another bruise. Birds kept flying against their house and breaking their necks.

Most of it happened in the night. One of the daughters had her leg pulled down a bunch of times. She saw a person, shadow, or thing behind her door. The second youngest daughter kept going into the oldest daughters room and sleep walking into the closet. The first night she just had her father come and get her. Then it happened again the next night. So she just put her sister in bed with her and she was about to get in when, the banging had started again, but her sister was still in bed with her. There was nobody even close to the closet. The girl turned to see her little sister and looked back. When she looked back she saw a dirty, decaying girl on top looking at her. She screamed and it went away.

This isn't even half of the movie. It scared me to death. We watched tailors after it. We always watch something after a scary movie so we don't have to go to bed scared. The movie freaked me out. I loved that movie! I was scared after it. Then my dad pointed out that the house was to new for anyone to have died in it. (The ghosts were from people that died there before.)

I went to bed a little freaked out. The fact that nobody died in this house before was comforting though. I never really have a hard time sleeping after scary movies. I really liked The Conjuring!

-Bye People

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