Sunday, January 26, 2014

Great Grandad's 90th Birthday

Great Grandad's 90th Birthday

Hi guys! Today I am going to talk about my Great Grandad's 90th birthday party that was held on Saturday.

So Saturday was a good day. My Great Grandad turned 90 so we all went up to visits him and have a party. The party started at 11:30 and was supposed to end at 2:00 but we left at 3:30 because we were having fun. We just hung out a while and had lunch. My Aunt Robyn brought rocket balloons that all us great grand kids were setting of. When we let them go they would fly around and scream. We also took a lot of family photos.

Then at around 3:30 we all left and went to the after party. We'll not all of us only my grandparents, there sisters family, there sons family, us, and my aunts family. Anyway when we were there we again just hung out a while. We all talked a lot. About camping and the new cars the adults had got and the ones they already had. All the cousins except for me were downstairs minecrafting. (All the cousins and brothers were boys so I was the only girl my generation.)

Then we settled down and had dinner and desert. So of course the adults stuck us at the kitchen table and ate together in the living room. We had a ton of food. Then we went back to what we did before. The boys down stairs, the rest talking. I went and started playing with Bailey, the dog. My grandma and aunt were doing the dishes. Then at around seven we pretty much all went home.

I had a great time and happy birthday to my great grandad!!

-Bye People

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