Monday, March 3, 2014

School:The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Hi guys so today I'm going to tell you all about school. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

So let's start with the good. First, and most obvious, you get an education to held you advance in your life. Second, you have your friends. Now friends will also be in the bad section, but for the most part they are pretty good. A good friend will encourage/help you do good in school. They also give you there honest opinion on things.

Now let's do the bad. In school a lot of kids will tease and make fun of you. You always have to wear the right clothes or shoes. This is mostly a problem with girls. They can be extremely mean and rude to eachother. Another bad is bullying. Some kids show how they're feeling in how they treat other people. The last bad is friends. Some friends can distract you from what you need to in school.

Then there is the ugly. A lot of people (especially girls) spread untrue rumors about people. They can also get a little attached to people. If that person makes another friend you might feel sad or left out. Especially in middle school. Everyone tells me there will be less drama in high school and I hope they are right.

So that's it. You've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of school.

-Bye People

1 comment:

  1. Katie! :( Man, school can be so hard. I hated the whole rumors, teasing, wear-the-right clothes thing. It was the PITS. I'm so sorry that it's so hard. A lot of the schools around here (even the public schools!) have a uniform policy. Andrew and Isaac wear uniforms. And I sort of don't like seems so boring to me that the wear the same thing every day, but I was talking to the mom of a little girl who said that her daughter likes the uniforms because she doesn't feel like she needs to dress "just right" anymore. I hadn't really thought about quite like that.

    Hang in there really does get so much better. But I still wish it wasn't so hard right now. :(
