Sunday, April 26, 2015

Touring WVU

Touring West Virginia University

Hi guys so today I am going to write about touring my state college campus. The college is called West Virginia University (WVU).

We went to the information center for the tour. We looked around there until it started. We road a tour bus all around Morgantown and our guide showed us the inside of some of the buildings. There were many different buildings for the different majors. There was also a PRT. WVU is one of the only schools in the nation with a PRT. It transports students around campus. They also had a Mountaineer Lounge.

In the Mountaineer Lounge there are many different restaurants and a movie theater. It's really big. There are two different libraries. One is open 24 hours and the other is open until 10 pm. There are two different types of dorms. There is the sweet style dorm which is where you share a room with a room mate and a bathroom with two other girls. The community style is where you have a room mate and share a bathroom with about 25 other people. Most of the dorm buildings had places you can eat too.

We also got to go inside a class room. It was really big and had small desk tops. It looked like a small auditorium. They also had a Barns and Nobel for WVU which had a Starbucks inside. We also saw there recreation center. The center had a huge swimming pool, 7 basketball courts, a workout center, a track for running, a 50 foot rock wall, and more.

That was the tour of WVU. I really liked it and so far that's were I want to go for college.

-Bye People

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