Sunday, July 26, 2015

Kids Expectations vs Reality: Being a Teenager (Girls)

Kids Expectations vs Reality: Being a Teenager (Girls)

Hi guys! Today's blog is another expectations vs reality. This one is a little different because this is a kids expectations vs reality of being a teenager (girls).

So the first topic is High School Musical. The expectations were that we would always be breaking out into a song for no real reason. The reality is pretty much that that only happens in movies. The next topic is dances. The expectation for going to a dance was that it would be a huge castle with ballroom dresses like in princess movies. The reality is the closest thing most girls get to that is their prom.

The next topic is prom queen. The expectation is that you will win prom queen. The reality is that for some girls you do win but for most you don't.The next expectation is your prom date who you expect to win prom king so you dance together. The reality again is that only happens for one guy in every school. Next is Hannah Montana. As a little girl your expectation is to be just like Hannah Montana were you're an amazing singer who wears a wig and nobody knows who you really are.

The next topic is Hannah Montana's closet.Your expectation is to have a closet just like her where you have a tiny little closet and when you push the closet aside there is a huge door leading to a huge room filled with clothes and shoes. The reality is you will probably just have a tiny closet with no hidden doors. The last expectation is to have a huge princess bedroom with pink everywhere, tons of clothes, and things like that. The reality is you will probably have a normal size room with a normal amount of clothes.

I hope you enjoyed this blog!

-Bye People

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