Sunday, August 16, 2015

My High School Orientation

My High School Orientation

Hi guys! Today I am going to talk about things that happened during my high school orientation. Tomorrow (Monday) will be my first day of my freshman year.

So the first thing that happened when we got there was them giving us a new schedule. Next we just went to the gym and waited until a good amount of people showed up.then the principal and a few other staff members talked for a while about what they wanted from us, how to behave, and the school rules/dress code. When that was over the more interesting part of the orientation started.

We were given a map of the school and we all went to our first class. Mine was computer programming. The teacher introduces themselves and then tells you the supplies you need and what you will be doing in the class. My second class is health. The nest class I have is physical science honors. For fourth period I have work history. Next I have have english honors. My sixth period is math honors. Lastly I have french two.

I'm not that nervous for my fist day of high school, I'm actually more excited. Everyone plays it up that if you're a freshman you're going to be picked on by upper class-men. The truth is a few of them might do that but most of them are really nice. The thing that I'm most nervous about is my volleyball tryouts. I'm trying out right after school. My friend Shelby and I have been on the recreation center team for the past few years so now we're going to tryout together.

So that was my high school orientation and a little bit about how I think my first day will go.

-Bye People


  1. What are you learning in computer programming? Back in my 2008 - 2012 days of high school computer programming had barely just started.

    1. So far we haven't done to much, just learning basics and binary code!
