Thursday, June 30, 2011

Swimming lessons for Alex

My brother Alex is taking swimming lessons. He is five and it is his first swimming lesson. First they sit and go over the rules. Next they do ring around the rosie twice. Then they go over to the big pool then they get there swimming gear on. After that they go into the five feet deep area and they practice flouting and swimming. Then they go to the four feet deep and go down the water slide. And last they slide down the frog slide.

He swims at War Memorial Pool. It takes half an hour for swimming lessons and Alex is the best swimmer in his class. He is finally allowing me to get his hair wet. Have a good day!

When I was one my mom and dad took me to War Memorial Park for swimming lessons to.


  1. I wish we had a pool near us! I would love for Andrew and Isaac to learn how to swim!

  2. Joshua and Jordan are taking swimming lessons too but Joshua still doesn't like to go under water. I think I'll have to dunk him at some point. :)

    Uncle Matt
