Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Eve Eve

Hello! Today is Christmas Eve Eve! Are you excited?

L.O.P. (Lots of Presents.)

Let my start of with telling you about past Christmas Eve Eve's. First lets look at the 2010 Christmas Eve Eve.

The year before last year on Christmas Eve Eve my Dad's parents were here. It was a pretty normal day, but still everyone was excited and bouncy. I don't remember a lot but, I remember sitting on our couch and talking with my Grandmother.

She asked me what my favorite day of December was. I said the 25th. I asked her the same question and she said Christmas Eve Eve. I wonder why.

This Christmas Eve Eve doesn't feel right. It's probably because we don't have any guest's. Tomorrow Grammy and Gramps will be here.

Earlier today I baked three batches of Christmas cookie's. The first one was peanut butter cups. The second one was sugar cookies with prints on them. The third was sugar cookies with sprinkles. Yesterday night I was at Scott and Beth's house because mom and dad were at a party and Steve as here with the boys. So that was fun.

I have to say the Christmas spirit is in the air!!

1 comment:

  1. Still my favorite day of the year!! Sure are a lot of presents under that tree!! Grandmama
